Township Office Hours: Tuesday 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and Thursday 8:00 am to 12 noon
Phone: 269.781.8115 Fax: 269.781.9926
Fredonia Township Cemetery Guidelines
Cemetery Sexton
Acting Sexton, Doug Damon
Spring Clean-up: EVERYTHING must be removed by the 4th Saturday of March. Items can be placed on gravesites starting on the 2nd Saturday of April
Fall Clean-up: EVERYTHING must be removed by the 4th Saturday of September. Items can be placed on gravesites starting on the 2nd Saturday of October
German Lutheran Cemetery
13 Mile Road, Tekonsha
Houston Cemetery
C Drive South (between 13 1/2 & 14 1/4 Mile Roads), Marshall
Lyon Lake Cemetery
US 27, Marshall
Cemetery Fees
Full burial $650
Oversize $750
Weekday full-child $600
Weekday infant burial $450
Weekday cremations $350
Saturdays/Sundays add: $100
Holidays add: $200
Winter burials 11/1-5/1 $150 extra on all openings
Dis-interments (all sizes) $800
Overtime Fee $200 after 2 PM
Late/Short Notices $300 extra
(Opening request must be made a minimum of 36 hours prior to funeral start time)